IMAGE: Todd Eyre

Kūmara hash brown with nasturtium salad

Home » Hinemoa Baker » Kūmara hash brown with nasturtium salad

28 June 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Use purple kūmara for this recipe as it’s less watery and crisps up beautifully. Wild nasturtium leaves and flowers make a beautiful salad to go with this hash brown.

Serves 6-8


1kg purple kūmara

1 large onion, grated

1⁄2 cup finely chopped fresh herbs – parsley, rosemary, sage etc

1⁄2 teaspoon each sea salt and horopito (or use black pepper)

1⁄4 cup cooking oil

1⁄2 cup sour cream or vegan sour cream

Juice from one lemon

2 cups small nasturtium leaves and flowers


1. Heat oven to 200°C.

2. Grate kūmara onto a clean tea towel or Chux cloth, gather the edges and wring to squeeze out the excess moisture. Transfer kūmara to a large bowl and add grated onion, fresh herbs, salt and horopito and half the cooking oil. Stir to combine.

3. Pour remaining oil into ovenproof pan or dish. Tumble in hash brown mixture to form an even layer. Don’t press down, it will settle as it cooks.

4. Bake for 30 minutes or until crispy and cooked through.

5. Mix sour cream and lemon juice and spoon this over the cooked hash brown. Top with nasturtium leaves and flowers and serve in wedges.

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