Turmeric and ginger chicken broth recipe in a grey bowl

Immunity-boosting turmeric and ginger chicken broth

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21 August 2021

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When I first created this recipe I just knew I’d struck gold. It is full of the healing qualities of turmeric and ginger and I swear a steaming bowl of this is capable of chasing away any winter ailment.

Serves 2-4

1 chicken frame, either from your butcher or supermarket or left over from a roast chicken dinner

1 large onion, diced

1 leek, white and green parts, chopped

2 carrots, diced

Thumb-sized piece of ginger and extra strips to garnish

40g fresh turmeric, grated (alternatively use 1 heaped tablespoon dried turmeric or 50ml turmeric juice)

1-2 teaspoons sea salt

1⁄2-1 teaspoon black pepper

Finely diced chives or spring onions to garnish


1. In a large pot, cover the chicken frame with water and bring to a rapid simmer. Use a slotted spoon to skim off any scum that rises to the surface. Add remaining ingredients and simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove chicken frame and strip the meat off the bones. Add this back into the soup.

2. Taste for seasoning. Turmeric likes plenty of salt to balance its earthy flavour, so add salt and pepper as needed (see note about pepper below).

3. Serve in large bowls with sticks of ginger and chives or spring onions to garnish.

Nici’s note

The black pepper is important in this broth recipe as it helps the body absorb the curcumin, which is the active anti- inflammatory ingredient in turmeric.

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