Fresh Flounder With Lemon, Capers and Horopito butter

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14 March 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute

With a fresh zing of lemon and the peppery flavour of horopito, this fresh flounder dish by Nici Wickes makes for an impressive dish for your next dinner party.



3 fresh flounder
4 tablespoons butter, softened
3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons capers
1⁄2 teaspoon horopito
1 teaspoon sea salt
1-2 lemons, sliced thinly


1 Heat the oven grill to high.

2 Lay flounder onto a large shallow baking tray. Make a few cuts in the grey side of each of the flounder. Mix together butter, parsley, capers, horopito and salt and rub this into the cuts and skin. Scatter over lemon slices.

3 Grill on high for 12-15 minutes or until butter is bubbling and fins crisp a bit. Change oven from grill to bake at 180°C and cook for a further 7-10 minutes or until flesh is cooked through.

4 Squeeze some of the cooked lemon slices between two forks to release the juices, and serve the tray of flounder at the table.

Nici’s note

Horopito is a native shrub, also known as the pepper tree, and it lends a spicy flavour to flounder in this dish. Horopito is also great for relieving stomach aches and toothache and it is available from various specialty or online food stores. I get mine from

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