
5 expert tips for cutting down on alcohol consumption at home

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28 October 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Nutritionist Claire Turnbull has a few tips if you’d like to reduce the amount you drink.

1. Make it harder to access alcohol at home

If gin is your thing, put it in a very high cupboard to make it more awkward to access. Keep wine and beer out of the kitchen. Putting a physical barrier between you and alcohol means you have more time to consciously decide whether you REALLY want a drink or not, or identify if this is just a habit.

2. Make it less appealing to drink

Warm beer, tonic or sauvignon blanc? No thanks. Keep cold drinks OUT of the fridge until you plan to consciously drink them, maybe at the weekend.

3. Make it easier to access healthier options

Kombucha, sparking water, herbal teas or some of the many new non-alcoholic drinks on the market are good to have close by and easy to reach.

4. Look at how you manage stress

So often we can get in the habit of drinking to wind down or de-stress after a long day. Find an alternative strategy that doesn’t involve eating or drinking. Have a shower, walk round the block or maybe turn on some music.

5. Aim to have at least four alcohol-free days a week

If you make it the same days each week, it is easier to make this a habit. If you live with someone else, it is always easier when they are on board too.

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